2021年3月31日 — I am using PMDG BOEING 738-800 ngx with FSX installed from CD under windows 7. Now I have to upgrade to win 10. If I installed fsx steam edition ...
FSX Steam install
2021年7月12日 — I recently installed the NX on my newly installed FSX SE. When I load the AC, the Virtual cockpit looks great, the 2D panel looks okay.
How can I buy a PMDG for FSX?
2023年11月3日 — Hi, I still fly with FSX (Steam Edition) and I would like to be able to buy a PMDG 737, but it does not appear on the producers site.
install into FSX Steam
I have been trying to install PMDG 737NGX into FSX Steam. It tells me that my registry does not show a path for FSX's install folder. FSX Steam was put in C:- ...
pmdg - 人氣推薦
PMDG McDonnell Douglas MD-11 X For Flight Simulator X "下載版" "可至7-11付款". 2,390. 運費券 P幣.
PMDG 737 NGX :
No PMDG is a no go. At this point, at the virtual airline I fly with, we will not be supporting Steam Edition any time in the near future, only FS2004, FSX ...
Aircraft not included. Microsoft Flight Simulator X / Steam FSX / Prepar 3D ... PMDG 737 NGX REBOOT CAPTAIN'S SET FSX P3D. FS2CREW. € 44.95. $. USD 48.40.